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DBT Skills Group Starting Monday, Sept 19th 7pm

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  • #1372
    Rachel Eddins

    Our DBT skills training group will start on Monday, September 19th at 7pm. The group meets at 1501 Crocker Street, Houston, TX 77019.

    Goals of the DBT Group include:
    * Move from out of control to in control
    * Get unstuck from extreme positions, emotions, behavior, rigid ways of thinking
    * Decrease behaviors that interfere with quality of life such as depression, eating disorders, anxiety, social isolation, etc.
    * Decrease obsession about past or worry about the future and increase awareness of the present moment
    * Understand how to experience emotions in a way that is not overwhelming
    * Improve relationships
    * Tolerate emotional pain
    * Increase connection and fulfillment

    For more information call 832-209-2222, email info@eddinscounseling.com
    Or visit: http://eddinscounseling.com/dbt-therapy-group/

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